For the child(ren)
- No allowances
- No sleepovers
- Piano/instrument lessons for at least 5 years
- No snacking between mealtimes
- Must pick up all their things before each meal
- No television/movies during the day
- No PG-13 movies until they're at least 13 years old
- No watching certain movies until they've read the books (LotR, Narnia, Jane Austen, etc...)
- No bragging or self praise
- They must personally greet every new kid in their class/group
- Be consistent - enforce rules
- Keep children's strengths/weaknesses in mind when making them do something
- Push them out of their comfort zone - start early - Make them do some of the activities that they don't want to do
- Always try to give positive feedback with constructive criticism
- Never lie to them, even if it's a "white lie"
- Always be an example of what I'm trying to teach them
- Apply their Bible lessons to their lives - help them to live it
- Pay attention to their feelings and don't disregard any without first putting myself in their shoes
- Be sure to spend time with them regularly, even when I don't feel like it
- Always speak kindly and respectfully about my parents, siblings, and relatives
- Don't give in to begging or whining. If they want something then they must persuade me with reasoning
- Don't let them go around like ragamuffins
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