Friday, February 15, 2013

Abigail is what I suppose you would call my pen name. My name isn't Abigail nor is my middle name, but I feel that it suits me so whenever I don't want to use my real name or just feel like using a different one I use Abigail. Oddly enough some time after I had chosen it some friends and I were sitting around waiting for something and we started trying to guess each others middle names. The boy trying to guess mine guessed Abigail because he said I seemed like an Abigail, so evidently I chose right. :)
I've found myself wondering recently whatever happened to Abigail from the Bible after she married David. She stopped him from killing her husband, her husband died, David married her, and so far as I can remember we never hear anything about her again. Did she have kids? Did David ever love her? Was she happy? What was her life like? I tried Wikipedia which indicated she might have given David a son, but that it was unclear. Beyond that she she seems to have been swallowed up by the past with her marriage. I suppose I'll never know the answer to those questions, because, of course, if Wikipedia doesn't know no one does.
Abigail means "Source of joy", "My father is joy", or "Father's joy". Different places say different things. I have decided that if I have a daughter I would want to name her Abigail. It would fit well with Margaret and Amy which mean "Pearl" and "Beloved" respectively. My Joy, My Treasure, and My Love. Now I want three girls with my three to five boys.....

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