Monday, September 9, 2013

This weekend was a crockpot weekend

I bought a pot roast about a month ago and Saturday night I decided to make it. I find pulled pork to be very bland, and since I didn't have any barbeque sauce, I decided to marinade it in honey and cinnamon. I tell you what, the pork roast smelled gross when I took it out of the packaging, not because it had gone bad, but just because it did. Once I'd smothered it in honey and cinnamon the smell was practically nauseating. I hoped I hadn't just wasted $10. God was kind, and it turned out that I hadn't. I marinaded it over night and in the morning put it in the crock-pot with some potatoes, carrots, and apples. During the afternoon it smelled like some kind of cinnamon-apple bread.

 Before the pulled pork was finished I had decided that I was going to make applesauce as soon as it was done.  The recipe I was using said it would take 3-4 hours. I started it at 7 and by 11:30 it looked like what you see below. I needed to go to bed so I decided to just call it chunky applesauce and end it there. It tastes rather fabulous if I do say so myself. :)

I put it in an old pickle jar that I'd scavenged from home. After I took the pickle labels off there was still a sticky residue which turned out to be just the right size for a piece of my note paper, so I had a little fun with it.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

I went to the State Farmers Market today. It was the first time I'd been to a farmers market, unless sitting in the car next to one while your mom goes and buys a couple of things counts. My roommate asked me if I wanted to join her, thinking I would enjoy it. She was absolutely right! I loved it! I loved seeing all the fruits, vegetables, nuts, drinks, breads, flowers, and other things people had grown or made. And guess what!

I bought something!

Two somethings actually. I bought these lovely plants. I don't remember what either of them are called, but I do know that the one with the purple flowers likes a lot of water and the other likes it hot and dry. If you know anything about them and would like to tell me, I'm all ears! Just leave a comment. :)

 This is supposed to grow back every year, and should start blooming profusely soon. Assuming, of course, that I don't kill it first. We haven't exactly got green thumbs in my family, but I'm hoping for the best. An herb garden may be following....

This one doesn't  look like much but it feels simply lovely! This is what I always imagined heather would look and feel like. In fact, when I first touched it I thought that that is what it must be. I've only ever read about heather, but I believe C.S. Lewis said it was very soft and made a very nice bed. This plant certainly would. The woman who sold it to me said that when it grows it spreads out and covers a large area, or if you hang it up, it will grow down to the ground.